COVID-19 resources and support

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Coronavirus Guidance and Support

Zdraví a bezpečnost našich zaměstnanců a zákazníků je naší nejvyšší prioritou. Pečlivě sledujeme situaci Covid19 a dodržujeme zavedené protokoly o ochraně zdraví a bezpečnosti, jakož i všechna doporučení a pokyny stanovené Světovou zdravotnickou organizací (WHO). Všem zaměstnancům na naších pobočkách poskytujeme pokyny k preventivním zdravotním opatřením, včetně práce z domova. Experian nadále funguje normálně a nevidí žádný dopad na provoz našich služeb a řešení pro naše zákazníky a partnery.

Further resources to help and support people and businesses

Article 1

The Economic Re-Boot and the Impact on the Business of Banking

Business resilience in the telco sector

Business Resilience in the Telco Sector

Commercial Resilience and the Outlook for the Retail Sector

Commercial Resilience and the Outlook for the Retail Sector

Commercial Resilience and the Outlook for the Utility Sector

Commercial Resilience and the Outlook for the Utility Sector

Commercial resilience in the insurance sector

Commercial Resilience in the Insurance Sector

The Economic Re-Boot and the Impact on the Business of Banking

Business Resilience in the Banking Sector

Article 1

Debt Restructuring and Collections

Business resilience in the telco sector

Supporting Micro, Small to Medium Enterprise (MSMEs)

Commercial Resilience and the Outlook for the Retail Sector

Regulatory Impacts

Commercial Resilience and the Outlook for the Utility Sector

Strategy Review and Monitoring

Commercial resilience in the insurance sector

Digital Hardship: Shift to digital channels

The Economic Re-Boot and the Impact on the Business of Banking

Uncertain Times, Increased Risks

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